also hier ist ein (java?)script fürn börsenticker, ich hab keine ahnung wie und wo man das einbaut, vielleicht kriegst dus ja raus.
The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
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Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the specific language governing
rights and limitations under the License.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Doron Rosenberg
Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
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this script animates a ticker consisting of a div containing a sequence of
spans. the div is shifted to the left by shiftBy pixels every interval ms.
As the second visible span reaches the left of the screen, the first is appended to
the end of the div's children.
Change Log: Version 0.1 - Doron Rosenberg, August 1, 2001
Initial Contribution
Version 0.2 - Bob Clary, August 1, 2001
added runId property and removed run property, removed
animate() method since start() handles functionality,
fixed problems with calling start() multiple times creating
multiple threads resulting in an apparent speed up of the Ticker.
Constructor Ticker(name, id, shiftBy, interval)
starts the animation of the ticker
stops the animation of the ticker
changes the shifting interval to newinterval
String : name of global variable containing reference to the ticker object
String : id of the DIV containing the Ticker data
Number : Number of pixels to shift the Ticker each time it fires.
Number : Number of millisecond intervals between times Ticker fires
Number : Value returned from setTimeout or null if the Ticker is not
HTMLElement : Reference to DIV containing the Ticker data.
Für alle, die schon immer seinen oder ihren abfotografierten...
by seattledirk (19:29)
Das Wetter...
Meinung kundtun
wer hier was sagen will, soll das auch tun
allerdings spiegeln kommentare, die nicht von mir verfasst wurden, nicht unbedingt meine meinung wider.
hier steht nur freie meinung, ohne anspruch auf realität!
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